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MF 8470 techs
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Posted 2/25/2018 17:05 (#6604636 - in reply to #6604601)
Subject: RE: MF 8470 techs

Not saying it is an injector but mine would run just fine until it threw the code and then would start to slowly derate the motor. Once computer was put on it 2 of the injectors were failing. I put all 6 in as it was not that much more for the additional 4 than just 2, considering we were already in there. Ended up that 2 had already been replaced, not the 2 that were bad. Tractor had 3000 hrs on it at the time. This tractor was an Auctiontime purchase sight unseen other than pics and video. I did get it bought right with more than enough room to put some $ into it compared to market at that time.
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