North central Oregon | The part near the town of Maupin used to be the Criterion ranch. Here is a bit from a story in the tribune out of Portland:
New Shaniko Hotel Owner
Dr Robert B. Pamplin Jr. of Portland purchased The Shaniko Hotel and RV Park during the month of July 2000. He also owns the 60,000 acre R2 Ranch nearby. The ranch which is a cattle and hay operation, runs for 22 miles from north to south along highways 97 and 197. According to Pamplin "We are in the historical business. We'll take Shaniko, with such wonderful history and significance and preserve it." The hotel was closed for three months for renovation. Opened February 14, 2001.
Dr. Robert Pamplin, Jr., inheritor of a family denim manufacturing fortune, owns the R2 Ranch and the Portland Tribune newspaper. Self-described businessman, philanthropist, preservationist, farmer, minister and author, Dr. Pamplin started making investments in Shaniko a decade ago and now owns several of the town’s remaining buildings, most notably the wool barn.
For more information check out the Pamplin web site: www.pamplin.org
Everything about the ranch on their website is pretty vague, though. I've lived north of there for years and noticed as more & more of the smaller ranches started displaying the R2 signs, but no one in the area really seems to know much more about it. | |