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Farm service rigs
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GM Guy
Posted 2/15/2018 19:31 (#6580448 - in reply to #6578546)
Subject: RE: Farm service rigs

clevepreach - 2/14/2018 21:07

Never did it. Never seen it done. But I've always wondered if it would not be a good idea to have a service trailer instead of a service truck. Most farms have multiple pickups, trucks, tractors, etc. Why not put all that service stuff on a trailer that could be pulled with whatever was handy at the time? Maybe someone has tried this and it didn't work?

X2, I agree. theft would be the only concern, but if a person used a gooseneck and took the coupler with them at night it would make it pretty hard to steal.

One could also start with a pickup chassis with the service body on it and run a driveline from the rear end up into a locked toolbox and have a way to lock the driveshaft. One could even have a belt pulley on said driveline to run an alternator to charge on board batteries too. :)

Edited by GM Guy 2/15/2018 19:44
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