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Farm service rigs
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Posted 2/12/2018 21:29 (#6574026 - in reply to #6573836)
Subject: RE: Farm service rigs

Seymour, IL
Mine is a 2013 F-350 with 9' utility bed, 6.7 powerstroke, and auto. (it replaced a 1997 F350) It had previously been a truck for a tower maintenance company.
I keep coming up with some changes, have air compressor and torch in the back (would like to add welder/generator, but not there yet)
multiple tools, jacks, etc. also have a truck mounted inverter so I can use a grinder, drill etc.
I have a separate fuel tender on a trailer so I don't have to haul a fuel tank.
I had planned on removing the ladder racks, but they have been handy for having to move longer items.

good luck

(Service Truck.jpg)

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