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Farm service rigs
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Posted 2/12/2018 20:58 (#6573911 - in reply to #6573836)
Subject: RE: Farm service rigs

Kind of upset with myself I don't have any pics of my truck its always a work in progress trying to make it handier. Regular cab, 9ft dually utility box, space fills up pretty quick, wish is was 10ft box. My suggestion put everything you can on a skid, welder/generator, compressor skid or mounted on top of the box, things change as the season goes on its nice to be able to have some adaptability to your rig.

edit found pic, need to make a fuel tank for the bed yet, would like a gas compressor on the top of the bed, find a auto-crane to mount on it, get rid of the bumper and raise it to the height of the bed to make it higher like a work bench. But its got a 6.5 in it that will probably need a Duramax or Cummins conversion first & I'm just a STO, its a 2002 3500hd with the 15,000lb GVWR

Edited by brudno 2/12/2018 21:25


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