| I have a fast 9613 which has the 1300 gallon tank and a 90' boom I don't have the auto height control but my ground is mostly flat And it was a decent chunk of money for that option if I remember right. I use a raven 440 Controller and use my lightbar for the speed Input. I have mine set up on 15" spacing and 3 way nozzles And I like my 3 way nozzles they have not caused any problems. The 15" nozzles spacing allows me to run my boom lower and still get good coverage and helps out on the drift. I can also turn off every other row and use it for My homemade y drops To side dress corn. When I 1st bought the sprayer I had it set to 62" Wheel spacing to match my tractor but that made the booms ride a little rocky. Now I run at 90" wheel spacing so the sprayer matches the tractor Still and the booms run smooth I Like the tractor set up like this for when I'm Bush hogging along ditches to. The one thing I would recommend that I wish I would have done differentAnd will probly change in the future is get the bigger tire size optionThe standard 320? Tires are not wide enough Will leave cleat marks unless you have not had rain for 2 months. After the tractor tires of rain over The beans Twice having sprayer tires the same width of the tractor tires is no big deal. The skinny tires do not have Enough flotation even for half loads. The welds on this prayer are of good quality and I've had no cracking issues Anywhere. All the hoses And wires are routed really nice and do not get pinched Or rub. I wash mine off at night And greese it every day keep it stored inside and still looks new. Yes the flange style connectors are a pain But I think everybody uses those And be careful not to tighten that clamp too much cause they can brake later on. I would definitely buy another one and The dealer was good to work with 2.
Sorry for The voice to text Grammar errors | |