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The best summary of the church shooting I've read.
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tooth and nail
Posted 11/6/2017 18:56 (#6349755 - in reply to #6349666)
Subject: RE: The best summary of the church shooting I've read.

georgeb - 11/6/2017 17:11

why is so hard to understand that you do not need a deadly weapon which was entirely built to show and inflict casualties of a great number to the average gun owner for recreational use. i asked a sheriff this morning if he went into a gun shop which weapon would he outlaw, first words out of his mouth were the AR-15.

Why don't you answer jtpfarm's question, which of the firearms pictured do you want banned?
Once again you operate on feelings not facts.

You must live in Canada, NY, NJ, DC or some other liberal hell hole.
I work with, and associate with LEO all the time. EVERYONE says the answer is more armed citizens not less.
Am friends with 2 retired Chicago cops, one of the reasons they moved/retired here to MO is, MORE LEGALLY armed citizens - LESS crime.
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