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The best summary of the church shooting I've read.
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Posted 11/6/2017 16:38 (#6349525 - in reply to #6349498)
Subject: RE: The best summary of the church shooting I've read.

tooth and nail - 11/6/2017 16:26

georgeb - 11/6/2017 14:24

So one is semi-automatic, and the other is fully automatic. Got it.

See, with a semi-automatic weapon, you have to pull the trigger each time you want to fire a round. You can’t just hold the trigger down and have a steady stream of bullets come out like you can with a fully automatic.

Doesn’t that sound a lot less deadly?
makes sense to me.

Again your 100% WRONG
The military doesn't issue "assault" rifles to GI's. Very few in a company will have FA weapons.
Why ?
Because if you want to inflict the most damage to the enemy, semi-auto is far more effective than full auto.

As said MANY TIMES, educate yourself before blabbering on about something you know literally nothing about.

Despite what you hear on the news - Feelings are not equal to facts in a debate.

The media is the BIGGEST problem in this with this whole deal. First off that they give all these people a ton of attention and make them famous. Second that the media themselves are completely misinformed and apparently are incapable of researching facts. The link below is a perfect example.
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