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The best summary of the church shooting I've read.
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Posted 11/6/2017 15:56 (#6349450 - in reply to #6349442)
Subject: RE: The best summary of the church shooting I've read.

Its the god given right to protect yourself.

Government does not "allow" us to own guns. We allow them to govern. At least that's the way it is SUPPOSED to work.

"The founders considered rights to be "God-given" or "natural." I believe that we err when we speak of "Constitutional Rights." We should be referring to them as "Constitutionally protected rights." The Constitution does not confer these rights, it only protects them. Some, those mentioned in the Bill of Rights, are expressly protected. Others are protected by the fact that the government is not expressly empowered to violate them.

Do you have a right to sing in the shower? Of course. The government is not empowered by the Constitution to prohibit it. You therefore have that right. How do we know that you have that right? It's covered in the Ninth Amendment which says that, just because some rights are listed in the Constitution, that's no reason to deny or disparage other rights that are retained by the people — us.

For that matter, even if freedom of speech was not included in the Bill of Rights, you would still have that right. Why? Because you were born with it and government is not empowered to deprive you of it. " Source:
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