| yet the same government gave you the 2nd amendment to bear arms. so does that mean you can bear arms against the government that could take your right away which they have given you to start with. i am assuming you get all your b.s. from the NRA talking heads. if this would ever happen to you and one of your family members would be killed by an automatic weapon with a 25, 50 or even 100 round clip, i am sure you would find it comforting if someone told you that if the bad guy had a knife he would of killed just as many as that AR15 and even if he had handgun or a shotgun, he would of killed as many as an AR15 or if was even gifted and was using a crow bow he would of killed as many as a automatic weapon. Makes perfect sense to me.
Edited by georgeb 11/6/2017 15:20
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