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which electric fence charger
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School Of Hard Knock
Posted 11/5/2017 18:32 (#6347768 - in reply to #6347216)
Subject: RE: which electric fence charger

just a tish NE of central ND
feelnrite - 11/5/2017 13:37

You had a fence problem.

yea.. the fencer.....I swaped that fencer out for another one from the landlord the first came from and it was the same weak voltage...little over 2000 volts......
I put my little Gallagher 12 volt 160 on it and it put out like 4900 volts.
...........12 volt B700 gallagher is the charger featured in the photos below and the voltage is short of 3/4 mile away form the chager and their is another mile of clean clear fence on the other end of the charger.
I do believe that when the wet vegitation against the wire gets cold and frozen/ice/ the current goes through the wire easier than when its above freezing(or at least that is the way it seems.)
The first photop shows the voltage delivered through all those seeds on the fence and the second is a photo of the kind of weeds the fence with the /b700 charger goes through.
The last photo is just on here for some fun, it was to prove VIA photo text that the fence charger had expired and its issue was BATTERY FAILURE which is no big deal, just time for replacenemt to be was the fencer that was first malfuncting and replaced with a second one of the same kind. THERE IS NO way I would do that stunt with ANY fence charger that was working condition No way, no how... (:(: I hate shocks!

Edited by School Of Hard Knock 11/5/2017 20:40





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