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jd 792 excavator hydraulics question
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Posted 10/26/2017 15:30 (#6328721 - in reply to #6328628)
Subject: RE: jd 792 excavator hydraulics question

East Central wisconsin
A older used excavator is not like a old used tractor. A old used tractor can be limped along almost forever. But not a excavator! A excavator has a limited usefull life. And its value is the condition of the hydraulics, not the engine or frame components. A excavators hydraulic components are so expensive, because its system pressure is so high. (5000 psi) for the whole machine. Most machines today peak around 3000 psi. With only hydro drives going higher. The best use for that machine right now ,is as a parts machine. To salvage any salable components, then scrap the rest. Sorry, just my opinion. But good luck.

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