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continuos duty solenoid
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   Forums List -> Where Can I find?????Message format
Posted 10/23/2017 12:01 (#6322788)
Subject: continuos duty solenoid

I am looking for a 12v continuous duty solenoid or a push button solenoid for a Hillsboro gooseneck dump trailer, it needs 3 lugs on it. I haven't been able to see how much draw I have but I know the switch is rated at 75 am. I did try calling Hillsboro and the guy I talked with said that a starter solenoid would be sufficient. I got a Ford? continuous duty solenoid and that lasted 2 loads. I did find out that I need to run a ground straight from the battery back to the bumper since I run a hotline to help ground and protect the electrical system of the pickup.
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