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International 684 Tractor
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Posted 10/10/2017 12:43 (#6299451 - in reply to #6298737)
Subject: RE: International 684 Tractor

New London, Wisconsin
Veggrwr73 - 10/10/2017 06:30

We had a 685 xl with cab. Biggest pos on planet. Transmission whine unbearable. Dealer had it tore down and couldn't figure it out. Gear shifters are on wrong side. Hydraulics pulsate causing steering valve to blow leaking oil in cab. Engine was gutless and didn't like the cold. Best time was when it rode away on the back of a truck.

That would be a problem, and it sounds like yours was a problem tractor. other than the shifter being left handed, mine has none of those qualities. No whine, no oil leaks, no pulsating, it starts great. I won't even think of selling it.

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