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International 684 Tractor
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Posted 10/9/2017 20:56 (#6298201 - in reply to #6298065)
Subject: RE: International 684 Tractor

Garland Maine
I have several of the 84 series. There are a lot of aftermarket parts for them. They work well for us.

784 has a slightly larger bore engine than 684. D246 vs D239. The D239 used in the 684 was also used in generators.

If you use good hydraulic fluid they prime quite easily after a filter change unless the pump is worn out. The cheap "303" fluid does not work well in the 84 series. The cheap 303 doesn't work below freezing.

You can get different hydraulic pump drive gears to put out up to 17 gpm. Not a lot compared to a bigger modern tractor, but quite adequate for a utility tractor. This is open center hydraulics.

The 84 series that get a lot of loader hours seem to have problems with steering cylinders. All of mine have some form of hydraulic drip from the steering cylinder. I suppose I could bite the bullet and buy a replacement cylinder, but my cheapskate self just throws seal kits at them occasionally.

They could have been ordered with up to 3 hydraulic remotes and/or a power beyond plate to send hydraulic to a loader joystick. You can add hydraulic remotes from a junkyard fairly easily if you can find them. There are 3 styles of valves that were used in the course of production.

So what are you planning to do with it?
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