Jim - 10/7/2017 09:09
jd4230dude - 10/6/2017 22:01 Looking to buy an automatic cattle waterer for 40 beef cattle... I live in Maryland... Seems like Ritchie is a good name but do I need one with the balls that cover the water holes or is that just a luxury?
Whether you need a waterer with the floating balls to seal depends on your approach. If you don't mind using electricity at the waterer and this is a permanent installation I would use a concrete waterer with electric heater and install it on concrete with an insulated heat tube and 4" tall riser one foot larger all around than the base of the waterer. The ones with the floats can be difficult to clean in the summer. A key point for any waterer is how hard is it to drain and clean out.
For a permanent, year around waterer I like the Bohlmann 250 or Petersen 34C. I have had the Petersen for about 10 years and the Bohlmann for about 4 years with good success as year round main waterers. I use a couple plastic Mirafount 3100s in a couple summer pastures. They are easier to install and less expensive than the concrete waterers but use a donut heater which needs to be taken in and out over the summer and has sometimes needed replacement when I've tried to use them over our Wisconsin winters.
Which ever waterer you end up with, the key to success is in the installation, imho.