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ISX Cummins longevity - adding another truck to the farm
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Posted 9/20/2017 06:32 (#6258830 - in reply to #6257373)
Subject: RE: ISX Cummins longevity - adding another truck to the farm

western manitoba
Hi Ron!

I have a very good friend who's researched this recently. He owns an ISX truck since new that now has 2.2mil km and was considering an overhaul. The service shops he has spoken with are mostly surprised he's got that much out of it. Sounds like mostly they see them coming in at the 1.6-1.8mil km. My gut feeling about the truck you are looking at is the same as yours. If you like the truck, and the little things look like they are taken care of, I would go ahead with it.

Anyways he's going to try run it for a while yet. He was quoted $28000 plus labour (Brandon shop) for a drop in ISX replacement and will go that way eventually. Overhauling his own would cost about the same but you never know when you get into it how much more you may have to replace.

Edited by stockton 9/20/2017 06:35
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