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ISX Cummins longevity - adding another truck to the farm
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Farmin the Valley
Posted 9/19/2017 21:33 (#6258392 - in reply to #6257373)
Subject: RE: ISX Cummins longevity - adding another truck to the farm

Urbana, Ohio
I have an 05 Kenworth T800 with an ISX. Major overhaul at 867k. I deleted the EGR valve & cooler. Took the junk VGT turbo off, replaced with a Holset HX60W turbo which also required a different exhaust manifold. I also had the truck PDI tuned. It runs as good as the E models & Acert Cats we also have.

Currently at 1.1 million miles and rolling. Unless you buy a pre emissions truck, you will eventually have to replace / fix / delete that emissions component. For longevity purposes buy something and delete it (if it's in the budget). Sounds like the 9200 International is a well specd out truck. As someone previously said, its a gamble buying ANY truck
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