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ISX Cummins longevity - adding another truck to the farm
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Posted 9/19/2017 15:00 (#6257472 - in reply to #6257373)
Subject: RE: ISX Cummins longevity - adding another truck to the farm

east grand forks, mn
Isx is a million mile engine or 20,000 -25,000hr. That being said I would have the lower bearings changed and set the valves and you should be good. Would only cost around $1500 if done at a cummins dealership, as they have a speacial on the bearings if you pay for the labor. Any truck is a crap shoot if its gonna work out or not. If the specs are what your looking for and in your budget of what you want to spend then go for it.

Good Luck!

Edited by bogie5263 9/19/2017 15:17
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