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Mack R600
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Posted 9/12/2017 07:09 (#6242649 - in reply to #6242520)
Subject: RE: Mack R600

Nw Iowa
Very premium short haul or line haul truck in its day. Mack incorporated a lot of the r series into the ch'c until Volvo bought them out. Now behind and under the bulldog is just a Volvo. We have quite a few and have been excellent trucks up until 2004 when they had to change for emissions. A R or CH is like a 4020, simple and dependable. There transmissions are legendary. I have a older DM that you can put in low low and it will move a load of gravel thru impossible conditions. Driveshafts are a lot heavier and so are rears if you get a camelback susp. There are some variations of the R like a DM and others but all use the R cab in one way or another. R Mack was not a cheap truck to buy in its day for a no frills truck. Don't know if it would be truck of choice if you were running 500 miles everyday but a wonderful farm truck.
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