SW MN and Gold Canyon AZ | University of Mn has been doing narrow row vs 30 inch row for years. (maybe 30 ?) Anyway I have yet to see the 30's beat narrow in their trials.
My own studies mirror their results. I have seen atleast 3 bu advantage over the years.
I find it hard to believe when farmers tell me there is no difference. There is to much SOLID PROOF ,IN MULTIPLE YEARS to make me believe otherwise.
The very foundation to higher yeilds IS narrow rows.Every article you read on getting higher yields has narrow rows as one of the top priorities.
I think the 6 and 7 inch rows got started becausefarmers had more small grains years ago, and using the drills for both beans and small grains was common. Now most have gone away from the drills and gone 15inch planters for better emergence and lower seed costs. There is NO doubt in my mind whatsoever that farmers CAN pay for narrow row planters with the extra yield gain especially up here in the northern corn belt.
White mold is pretty much a non-issue, selecting the correct variety pretty much keeps it at bay and lowering seed pops down to 145000 in 15 inch rows helps also. If you plant the wrong variety and white mold hits the 30 inch will also get it almost as bad as the narrow row.
Having raised both 30 and 15 and 10 inch rows I can tell you for certain combining is much easier with narrow rows, less shatter also.
Narrow rows have a HUGE advantage when planting late.
The only time I suggest 30 inch rows is under severe IDC,high salt conditions.
I will bet on 15 inch rows beating 30 inch rows 99% of the time in the northern corn belt. There is WAY to much evidence to think otherwise.
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