| Had one on a loader owned it from 1996 till 2011. Had 13k hours when we traded for a 7730. Worked great very nimble very very under powered though. We replaced trans, rearend, whole front differential, hyd pump twice, and cosmeticly it was about a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10. Tough tractor but not having park was a major inconvenience. Hydraulic was weak and would overheat bad when used in contiueous flow like sprayer pump. Electronic nightmare but somehow ran fine without any gauges. Tough tractor but in no way would i ever pay 30k for another one. I would buy a 9k hr 4055 or 4250 or better yet a 4450 or 4455 before I would consider a 3155 again. Take it for what it is I spent years too long in one
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