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IH 3588 hydraulic warning light, TA issues help (details)
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Posted 5/29/2017 13:05 (#6043647 - in reply to #6039564)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 hydraulic warning light, TA issues help (details)

Central New York
Update - over the past 2 days I reinstalled the pressure regulator after pulling off the battery and step to get the right leverage. Then removed the flow divider spool which did require cranking the tractor to push it out. Everything looked good in there. Also removed the plug over the orifice but didn't see what was supposed to checked in there. The plug had a little thing in the middle of it, but inside the MCV there wasn't anything I could see. I've put a picture of the plug - is this normal? It was hard to get it in focus but there was a little piece of metal in the hole, almost like a ball but it didn't move.

After I put it back together I started it with the TA in high and ran it at a fast idle without touching anything else. Using a lower scaled gauge it started out at 17 psi when everything was cold and gradually over the next 20 minutes dropped to 5 psi. At this point touching the brake pedal or the differential lock foot switch would drop it to zero and it would recover back slowly to 5 psi after it was released. Moving the TA lever to low would drop the pressure to 3 psi.

I then moved the handle to in between low and high and the pressure went immediately to 22 psi. Would that indicate the TA has a failure in it?


Attachments IMG_5827.JPG (86KB - 151 downloads)
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