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IH 3588 hydraulic warning light, TA issues help (details)
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Posted 5/25/2017 17:25 (#6037650 - in reply to #6037572)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 hydraulic warning light, TA issues help (details)

DO NOT run with the TA lever in the mid position.

Another thing is to check the dump valve linkage to make sure its not stuck open, its on the back side of the MCV behind the left battery.

I "think" the steering is ran of a separate pump on a 2+2, not from the mcv pump as on a 2wd. You would still have brakes if the mcv is weak, because brakes have priority, it will give pressure to power brakes first, this why your TA is "downshifting" when you step on the brakes (indicating a big internal leak as mentioned above, or a weak mcv pump.)

What do you mean by it "does not have a transmission brake?"

If your mcv pump is totally crapped out, you will not be getting lube to your ring & pinion.

If you are dire emergency must run this tractor, make sure it is AT LEAST 5 gal over-full on hydraulic oil.

"run at your own risk!"
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