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IH 3588 hydraulic warning light, TA issues help (details)
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Posted 5/25/2017 10:55 (#6037064)
Subject: IH 3588 hydraulic warning light, TA issues help (details)

Central New York
I'm having these symptoms on my 3588 after running it on a chisel plow we borrowed for a few hours. The next day I started the tractor and after about 15 minutes the hydraulic pressure warning light started to flicker and then eventually came on solid. I checked the transmission oil and found it low (bottom of the stick) so I filled it but the light stayed on. I then tested in the driveway and found that while the TA would shift between low and high, if it was in high and I lightly pressed the brake it would drop to low, the shift to high as soon as I took the brake off.

The next day after talking with my local dealer I replaced the hydraulic filters and added an extra 5 gallons of oil. Started the tractor and the light went out after the system primed and charged. Same thing occurred - after about 15 minutes of running (not under load - just down the road to get hooked up) the light came on and the TA acted the same way. I ran the tractor on the disk for a couple of hours in low TA with no problem, but the light stayed on and I noticed that the tractor would freewheel to some degree going downhill on the road.

So my question is: are these all symptoms of the TA needing to be replaced, or is the TA behaving this way because of another problem related to low hydraulic pressure on that circuit? We've had the tractor for around 10 years using it for moldboard plowing and disking. It's not turned up.

One other thing - when the light comes on it stays solid in low or high, but goes out when the lever is in between low and high.

The tractor probably has close to 10,000 hours on it. We've never changed the TA and I don't know if it was changed in the past.

I don't want to replace the TA only to find that the issue is pressure related and have it not be resolved.

Thanks in advance.

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