| I take my Veris EC map, elevation map, yield maps, several years worth of aerial imagery, and any information i know about a field and sit down and start comparing everything. Lets me draw out zones that work. Say you have a spot that always drowns out and a hilltop thats pure sand, both might show the same yield year after year, but it doesn't mean they should be treated the same. One single layer of data is NEVER enough to make management decisions in my opinion. After you have zones that make sense to you and make sense to all the layers of data you have, then you can zone soil sample. I plug every part of the soil test into its zone and make map layers for N, P, K, pH, base saturations , etc. Then I can make my VR fert maps and plan population maps. You can end up with zones for high rates of fert and medium seed pop or low rates and high pop or any sort of combination. This year i have zones that will get no fertilizer whatsoever and some that will get high rates of N and no p or k. I do my own Veris mapping and it is not perfect data. you cant do it if the ground is too dry, or too wet, or too much trash on top... I've only done a few fields for others and I've had to wait for good timing and redo whole fields because I wasn't getting good enough contact to get consistent results. The stuff I did I charged $5 for with no recs or sampling. Just the raw data. I dont know if i could trust someone else to make my prescriptions.
I will say if done right the Veris data usually resembles a yield map, but there is always spots that just dont seem to make sense until you get other data layers into the mix
Edited by SC ND farmer 3/24/2017 22:17
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