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3306 cat in st270
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Posted 3/1/2017 14:31 (#5871259 - in reply to #5871163)
Subject: RE: 3306 cat in st270

Between Omaha and Des Moines, 7 miles South of I80

Can't help much on boost pressures,

 but if you have this style of fuel injection pump; then your fuel pressures will probably be around roughly 14-18 psi at Low idle, and probably wouldn't be not much higher than 32 psi with engine at "High idle" (full throttle).

If this style of fuel system got up to 40 psi or higher; I would suspect there might be a problem with the fuel return orifice or plugged fuel return line.



(3306 PC engine 2.jpg)

(caterpillar-3306-pc fuel system 2.jpg)

Attachments 3306 PC engine 2.jpg (81KB - 92 downloads)
Attachments caterpillar-3306-pc fuel system 2.jpg (109KB - 115 downloads)
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