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JD 5830 chopper
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Jay NE Ohio
Posted 2/9/2017 12:33 (#5827818 - in reply to #5826915)
Subject: RE: What about New Holland choppers?

northeastern Ohio
oakridge - 2/9/2017 00:32

Any good NH machines or ones to lookout for?

I run a FX25 and an FX58. It's hard to keep the 58 running due to stupid little issues. Last year I had to replace a circuit board in the 58. The board was $2000 and I had to have a service guy out to load the software which cost another $800. Now there is an issue with the head not raising (might be bad pump or stuck relief valve).

But I've owned the 25 for over 15 years. It has been very dependable overall. I did eat a knife... twice.... and that cost significant $$$ to rebuild. Parts are stupidly expensive on the NH machines.

The last FX that I saw sell at auction brought $40k with 4000 hours, a worn out head and several other issues. That was way too much for that machine. If you are interested in an FX, you need someone with experience to look it over and you need to run it to find any issues. You should also be reasonably close to a dealer that has worked with these machines before. This is probably true with all makes and models.
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