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JD 5830 chopper
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Posted 2/9/2017 06:33 (#5827012 - in reply to #5826989)
Subject: RE: What about New Holland choppers?

SE Manitoba
1770 - 2/9/2017 06:10

dabeegmon - 2/9/2017 07:03

oakridge - 2/9/2017 00:32

Any good NH machines or ones to lookout for?

A German farm publication did a field test of forage harvesters in California. IIRC I saw the results on the CombineForum.
As fuel is a major input cost in running silage choppers I would be looking more at Claas and Krone (the 1 / 2 for material per amount fuel).

I find it funny how the North American engineering community just doesn't seem to have gotten that fuel isn't cheap (it was comparatively 35 years ago!).

I think in NA fuel is cheap compared to some parts of Germany or the UK.

Last time I was in Germany (little less than 1 year ago) the pump price on diesel was less in Euros than here in $Can.
I didn't think to ask about farm fuel pricing.

If your books go back that far compare fuel cost (adjusted for operation size) from 30/35 years ago.
Mine are showing that fuel used to be way behind other costs. Now - - - its one of the major costs.
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