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How were the silo's filled days gone by?
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Posted 2/2/2017 16:47 (#5812198 - in reply to #5812158)
Subject: RE: How were the silo's filled days gone by?

barry county mi
My uncle would bale hay green and haul to silo and he had a siliage chopper maybe prapeck or I dont recal the name of the chopper -blower . Cut twine and feed the wet hay bales or corn stocks by hand acording to the tractor horsepower and it was belt driven . It was slow but it was feed. and my grand dad would put a bottle with a cork in it with a small pin hole and that winter pop would have som drink that would knock his britches off ha ha. My uncle Harold Matlick is still alive 90 plus years old didnt quit working till about 5 years ago. Hes in a rest home now my aunt is gone now Quite a family ww11 vet run a gun crew an the liberty ships supplying troops in europe mostly archie
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