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JD 4455 or 7810
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Posted 1/28/2017 18:16 (#5800742 - in reply to #5799360)
Subject: RE: JD 4455 or 7810

Western North Carolina
Thanks for all the replies. I was thinking about this more today and I decided I really need to stay with a 4455 or 7810 size of tractor because that size will suit my other uses better. I guess if that won't work with a large square I might have to figure something else out when I buy one but It seems like many of you are saying that either the 4455 or 7810 would work. Someone mentioned the pto clutch on those tractors not being able to handle the load of a 3x4 large square....that concerns me much more than the weight of the baler pushing me around on the hills. Does anyone else have any thoughts about if the pto clutch will hold up running a 3x4 large square? I was thinking of getting something like a Hesston 4790 large square.....not a high density baler or anything like that. I do plan on running duals when large square baling as I do have hills.
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