shorty1 - 1/27/2017 23:38
The ride will be better on 4455 over 7800 as they are similar to 86 series IH..The turning radius is better on 8100 over 7800 if set at 30in.I am also looking and the best buy is the 8100 just not a lot have 3ptos.I have had 7800/7810 and 4455 and the 4455 bring a premium to the others.I decent 8100MFD sold on auctiontime that was in our area and brought around $42K 1000 only PTO. no weights 50% tires. Im looking at a very nice 4455 for quite a bit less than a 7810. That's interesting that you say an 8100 has a better turning radius than a 7800.....never would have thought that. How much worse of a turning radius is a 7810 than a 7510? I'm currently running a 7510 and absolutely love that tractor.....seems very nimble and maneuverable for its size.....just not big enough for a large square. If it wasn't for the price difference between the 4455 and 7810 I was leaning towards the 7810 because I figured it would be very similar to my 7510....just a little longer. |