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Fertilizer for soybeans
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brad c
Posted 1/10/2017 08:29 (#5757610 - in reply to #5756044)
Subject: RE: Fertilizer for soybeans

Carbondale, KS

To start w/, why do you give a rat's @$$ about what others think?  Maybe your question was just misworded.

I will tell you i've seen ZERO yield increases from nitrogen apps in the spring....this is upto 180#.  I have never tried putting it down at or during any of the reproductive stages....there may be some merrit to that IDK.  There were a few instances i saw yield losses and just from my observations (always unscientific), there was little to no nodulation so i concluded they didn't have the nitrogen bank to draw from when it came to grain fill. 

Bottom line was it hurt when i did that, so i stopped doing it. 

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