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Fertilizer for soybeans
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Posted 1/9/2017 20:54 (#5756812 - in reply to #5756044)
Subject: RE: Fertilizer for soybeans

I spread 125 pounds of DAP and 125 pounds of potash ahead of my soybeans for the 2016 crop. This year was the highest yeilds I have ever had. I spread heavier ahead of corn.

I assume you are doing this for yeild. Higher yeilds mean higher removal rates. If you want to apply some N do it as DAP or MAP. If you don't have higher yeilds then you still have the excess fertilizer for the next crop and can cut back rates accordingly.

Edit: as another poster said to see a response to the nitrogen fertilizer you would have to be in a higher yeild environment where that plant can utilize the N. What yeilds do you see normally? What is your crop rotation

Edited by AGDEAL 1/9/2017 21:18
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