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Just for Fun., What were the best old combines?
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Posted 1/2/2017 06:51 (#5737848 - in reply to #5737657)
Subject: RE: Just for Fun., What were the best old combines?

Ludington/Manistee MI area
GM Guy - 1/2/2017 00:02

Nick, Tomcat just had bad luck with his, I suspect it was a lemon that he had the misfortune of getting. IIRC it was in a R50, the I6 version.

I have the big 816 cu. in. v-8 in a 91 R60 and so far so good, and a buddy has a 5,000 plus houred R70 with the twin turboed 779 cu. in. and its doing great too.

Just keep them clean and all is well.

We had constant issues with ours. I have an uncle that had a 100 06 tractor he battled with that till it eventually left in favor of a 4250 Deere. The guy that does some custom round baling for me has a dead Duetz in his pasture that cows use as a scratching post. I see his neighbor is driving something like a 4230 instead of the his Duetz because it's in a shed in pieces for the last couple years. So yup I had a lemon.
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