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Just for Fun., What were the best old combines?
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Posted 1/1/2017 20:15 (#5737267 - in reply to #5736725)
Subject: RE: Just for Fun., What were the best old combines?

I remember the FIRST combine my Dad had. It was a pre WWII pull type Gleaner. He ran it well into the '50's, then bought his FIRST self propelled combine.......a JD 55. He traded something else for the JD, so he still had the Gleaner. Well, we were in Kansas, but my Mother had grown up in Wisconsin, and when my Grand Dad from Wisconsin heard about the new JD, he announced that he was coming down to Kansas to help with the harvest. So GrandDad ran Dad's new JD 55, and Dad patched up his old pull type Gleaner once more, and pulled it along side. They got done faster, but Dad was a bit disappointed.

We had a couple JD 95's and loved them. Later I bought a 6620 and loved it. I have newer ones now, and they've served me well, but I don't seem to generate quite the level of attachment to them that we used to. They're getting to be a bit too "high tech" for me. lol showboat
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