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Just for Fun., What were the best old combines?
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Posted 1/1/2017 19:27 (#5737136 - in reply to #5737070)
Subject: RE: Just for Fun., What were the best old combines?

Liberty, MO
First I remember, MH Clipper within Wisconsin engine, PTO Clipper, then Oliver 18 PT, Nov 17, 1958 wind storm put the shed down on combine, the an Oliver 25, then an Oliver 525, then I came to farm and bought a 525, then Oliver 545 both used, dad got a used 545 then 2'yrs later he had to retire, so I traded for an 8600 White , lots of hours, acres and years later sold it and bought an White 8920, 20 ft,and 6 row corn head, at 4000 hrs traded for a R 52 because White dealer retired, 3-4 yrs later fire in engine compartment, another R52 3-4 years traded for a 2003 R 65 with 25 ft draper and 6 row Hugger, still in use on my little operation 500 acres..all had their good and bad points, but I think I have to choose the Gleaners , more capacity, wade mud better, and a great dealer when I need assistance.
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