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Just for Fun., What were the best old combines?
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Posted 1/1/2017 18:51 (#5737052 - in reply to #5736725)
Subject: RE: Just for Fun., What were the best old combines?

NW oklahoma
Grew up running dads 9500 soon as I weighed enough to activate the seat switch so the header would run. Hardly any break downs. Started farming on my own in 2011 and bought an 06 2388 on big iron for 80k nice combine, things were looking good and I hit a home run with canola in 2012 when price was over $12 a bu. And wheat was $8-9. I let shiney paint get the best of me at the case dealer and traded for a near new 7088. $250k with a basically new 35ft draper. What a mistake that was I didn't realize the bottom was going to fall out of grain markets. Couldn't make the payments so case sold it for 89k including header! I put about 350hrs on the machine and kept it inside, i think it ended up with 1k separator hrs. Got a letter saying to pay the remaining balance of 112k. Now I have no combine and a bill Ill never be able to pay. Sorry I got off topic but I highly recommend the JD 9500 9600 combines for the money and very reliable. P.s. case dealers suck in Oklahoma will never own another case because of it.

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