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Just for Fun., What were the best old combines?
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Posted 1/1/2017 18:29 (#5737011 - in reply to #5736725)
Subject: RE: Just for Fun., What were the best old combines?

North Central Kansas
1930's vintage Deere pull type with 16 ft header and Hercules four cylinder that purred like a kitten. Ships wheel up on the operator's platform that I was barely able to manage at about 12 years of age even with the huge counterbalance springs for the header. (We called them "platforms" back then)
The draper header was removable and there was a trailer for it. Imagine that.
Pulled with a D2 CAT except in a wet year used the RD6 CAT. Could turn a corner and not leave a strip as the header would back up in a turn.
No auger on the bin so had to pull the truck under, drop the chute down, open the gate and then scoop shovel the grain across the truck bed it it was getting full.
Operator comfort: Bologna sandwich at 4:00 PM with orange sugar water. (koolaid) Dad always got a beer and an opener to go with it.
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