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Just for Fun., What were the best old combines?
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Posted 1/1/2017 16:51 (#5736801 - in reply to #5736725)
Subject: RE: Just for Fun., What were the best old combines?

Rawson, Ohio
Started out in 1983 with an old A2 Gleaner that I pretty much rebuilt over the next several years, good small machine. Next was a 1975 JD 3300 that was another work in progress...started out as a gas and ended up with a diesel in it. Very good small combine. Used to harvest at least 500 acre per year with it. went from that to a 1644 CIH, what a step up... And my 2166 is lightyears ahead of them all.

Edited by 77_1086 1/1/2017 17:00



Attachments a2-3.jpg (88KB - 338 downloads)
Attachments 3300-15.jpg (35KB - 303 downloads)
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