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The JD "Expendable" 30 series vs new...... opinions?
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Posted 1/1/2017 09:40 (#5735971 - in reply to #5735937)
Subject: RE: The JD "Expendable" 30 series vs new...... opinions?

Progress doesn't always equate to better.The EPA changes since 2007 have made tractors more complicated and less reliable.I bought a new 8330 and 9530 in 2007 and had 0 problems.I updated to newer R series with DEF and that tractor spent more time for small simple things at JD[all warranted] than any tractor I have owned except for an 8630 that had continuous updates.I sold it and bought basically the same tractor[8320R]with out all the emission and went back to reliable powershift.I deal in many 20/30/40/50/55 series tractors and they have few problems and resale is good.Most people over 55 that still have flip phones,can figure in their head,and not computer smart ,still think simple is better.
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