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Off target dicamba movement in Mo in 2016
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Posted 12/23/2016 12:10 (#5718426 - in reply to #5718371)
Subject: RE: Off target dicamba movement in Mo in 2016

These applicators you speak of, did they break the law this year?

Vouching for people that break the application laws with the justification that they know what they are doing is like vouching for a bank robber because he's a really good bank robber.

My point is. Maybe they weren't all that smart. Maybe they weren't as good as you thought. Maybe they are quite marginal in their ability to make decisions about spraying.

And those bad apples are going to take tools away from the good apples.

I was serious when I said grease the disc. I use dicamba on every corn acre already for burndown and 24D on most bean acres for burndown. I could care less about the traits and using it post applied (95% of my beans in 2017 are RR and the few that are dicamba tolerant will be treated like the rest as I am trying a few new numbers to check out yield). I need those tools for no-till to work.

I am sure you know what you are doing, but let's call it like it is. What happened down there was an applicator problem and nothing else. The cowboy spray rigs need to be shut down

Edited by FX1000 12/23/2016 12:14
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