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Folks with cow/calf in barn full time, couple questions
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Posted 12/19/2016 23:19 (#5710749 - in reply to #5710540)
Subject: RE: Folks with cow/calf in barn full time, couple questions

Redickville, Ont
+1 on what guys said above. You start calving in confinement your going to have a mess of scours for one. Cows need to move around or they get fat and have calving problems. Here what I do I have heifers in barn at home so I can watch them and give them some grain to keep condition on them and cows are in field till winter comes and once weather gets dirty there on straw pack that's well protected. They stay there till April and then I'll start to pull ones that are close into barn and drop calves there. I'll calve on straw pack too if weathers nice or if barns full before grass ready and ones I miss. Soon as there's a truck load there out of there. Take them to different farm and barn where they will graze for summer. This helps control scours. Seems like older calves in with newborn calves causes problem. You can clean pen every week still won't work. Use to calve some in winter and gave that up when I got done school. Had some for show cattle and breed stock and what a pain. Gave that up and having a lot better success. I keep weaned calves in barns where they where grazed till fats are gone them they come home and cows with newborns go to the barns where stockers where. Have a 7 bank barns in good shape so there always moving around. I feed round bales to cows. Try to feed on fields with bale unroller and feed in feeders when snow gets deep or weather bad. We grow potatoes and you can see how much advantage it is to have cows apply there fert vs manure spreader. You lose a lot nitrogen in barn or barn yard in my opinion. Not for everyone but works for me. I couldn't imaging grinding hay for cows with Tmr everyday. There suppose to work for me. I guess if your short feed they'll pay.





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