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anybody have or had an ih 3588
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MN Dave 2
Posted 1/11/2009 23:23 (#567117 - in reply to #566955)
Subject: Re: anybody have or had an ih 3588

I had a 3388..... they had aluminum bodied hyd pumps (2) in them, when they shelled, a LOT of trouble with mtal filings in system. The hyd pump issues should be long ago, treat tractor as a SMALL front wheel assist and you should avoid overuse issues. Original hyd tip outlets were IH, I would change them to ANYTHING else. Check piviot pins, knuckles/shafts in middle. If I remember corrcectly, the final drives were from a 10-1486, much bigger than a 584??? Fuel economy was about same as a 4430/4440 of that vintage, nothing great but it helped to throttle back a little bit. Long story short, there is a reason they are cheap!!!!!!
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