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New holland t7?
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Posted 11/28/2016 18:37 (#5662870 - in reply to #5661932)
Subject: RE: New holland t7?

Ft. Ripley MN
Full powershift isn't available until the t7 or the puma series. You have to use the clutch to shift from low to high otherwise you can shift through all the gears without a clutch. We bought a case ih maxxum 140 with the multi controller cab. Only reason we ended up with the case was the cab layout was better then the new holland and it was a better deal. The case ih's are considered the premium models over new holland. Would defiantly buy case or a new holland any day. It has been extremely reliable. Demoed a Deere and a Massey, they don't even compare to the other two, in my opinion your getting a better tractor for less money. We have a loader with the electric joystick and it's really handy, I actually like it more then the skidsteer.
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