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New holland t7?
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Posted 11/28/2016 10:11 (#5661924 - in reply to #5661909)
Subject: RE: New holland t7?

Shelburne Ontario Canada
T7 is same as case puma large frame and small frame new holland number is boosted engine power. Case numbers are boosted pto pwer from wat i can tell. T7 270 same as puma 230-240. puma 145 is a T 7 185 great tractors as far as T 6 that be same as maxxums had a 125 pro that gave us a terrible ride so my thots on those are not very good. The T7 cvt has bin a very solid tractor for us in the red one. But 6000hrs is highest puma we have . Got 3200 on my 230 an so far its bin great.
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