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Pioneer corn
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Red Farm
Posted 11/27/2016 09:05 (#5659504 - in reply to #5659367)
Subject: RE: At least someone gets it. Cheaper seed isn't always "cheaper".

NW Indiana
farmer53 - 11/27/2016 08:03

Dekalb is wonderful and has about 35% market share.

Pioneer is wonderful and has about 35% market share.

Syngenta is wonderful and has about 6% market share.

I would plant dekalb but don't have dealers that can not compete on ballpark price. And as well, they don't have any chemical rebate programs or equipment programs for contracting acres.

So in reality, Dekalb needs to be across the board about 10 bu better then P. I have never been able to prove that with my management practices.

I will say that Dekalb is probably the way to go if you run your acres like intensive care rooms with IV's and such. That stuff loves to be fed at the right time. I am just not that good and have an off the farm job.

I would really like to go all Syngenta as I like my dealer but they can't yield with the rest and the biggest rebate program they have right now is the enogen deal. My local ethanol will never go for it so it's a waste of time for me.

Dekalb has both chemical rebates and equipment programs here. Sounds like you have a lazy dealer or just aren't questioning them enough. But I agree you need to have a good relationship with your dealer no matter what the brand.
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