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Pioneer corn
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Case IH farmer
Posted 11/25/2016 22:27 (#5657415 - in reply to #5655225)
Subject: At least someone gets it. Cheaper seed isn't always "cheaper".

Red Farm - 11/24/2016 15:49

s205 - 11/24/2016 18:32

I try every yr too get some dekalb that is apples to apples with pioneer... Around my neck of the woods DeKalb is really proud of there seed corn.. I think the past 2 yrs there is 30 to 35 dollars per bag more for the dekalb. trait for trait.. Po157, po506, po339 is a tough corn to beat the past 2 seasons....

Takes 4 bu to make that up with $3.50 corn. Dekalb beats Pioneer by that plus more here. Guys get so worked up over a few dollars up front but get hosed on the back end. Would I rather pay less for seed well of course. But I can run a calculator and if the more expensive seed covers the higher price plus more then I'm planting it. Might be different in your neck of the woods but Dekalb etc are worth paying more for here.

DKC yields better, stands better and dries down better than the competition. Most people understand that even though it's the highest priced it still provides a higher return than cheaper seed by a good margin. If people didn't understand that M wouldn't have as much market share as they do.

And yeah some off the wall company can have a number or 2 that might hang with or beat the DKC on any given year but I will take the top 5 DKC numbers in the 110-116 day range and put them up against the top 5 110-116 from any other company and I'd lay my money on the DKC outyielding the other companies any time.

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