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Best way to handle cow with broken leg
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Posted 11/22/2016 09:20 (#5649938 - in reply to #5649045)
Subject: RE: Best way to handle cow with broken leg

SW “Ohia”

I have never done this but seen other people do it. Only on non-compound fractures too.

Clean the area very well. Wrap the leg with a couple old heavy shirts. Then slice a piece of black corrugated pipe longwise. Make the entire piece long enough to extend on either side of the fracture a fair distance. Diameter needs to be big enough to fit tightly all the way around the leg. Then wrap with tape, tape, and more tape.

Keep her in a flat dry pen with good bedding.

My thoughts; if you had a broken leg, wouldn't you want a cast on it? It will probably heal eventually with no help, but it would more comfortable and faster with some support.

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