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trash dockage
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Posted 10/7/2016 05:15 (#5568455 - in reply to #5568304)
Subject: RE: trash dockage

NE Iowa
You are probably just getting lucky / unlucky on the sample. It also depends on the type of foreign matter. Weed seeds / leaves are wet and heavy but soybean pods and stems are light. Surprisingly most places don't screw you on foreign matter. Up to 1% is typically no dock and anything over 1% is just deducted from the weight. So they are just deducting the weight of what shouldn't be there with no actual dockage. Now moisture is another story. They absolutely kill you on soybeans over 13% in my area. When I was in college the farm I worked for had a field of soybeans with a huge foxtail problem. I delivered a couple loads of 18% foreign matter beans. My employers had a grain cleaner but it wasn't worth it to clean them because they just deducted the 17% that shouldn't have been there anyway and no actual dock. Cleaning them would have been a waste of time and not saved any money.
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